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Links to relevant CDNI Care Policies

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Additional information


Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation & Discrimination              

Each participant accesses supports free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a process to actively prevent violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination that supported by the ‘Participant Handbook’, ‘Worker Handbook’ and ‘Incident Management Policy & Procedure’.

All participants are informed that they must report any incidents including violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will manage all incidents according to the ‘NDIS-Incident Management and Reportable Incidents-Rules 2018’ and the ‘Incident Management Policy & Procedure’. All organisational requirements are documented in the ‘Incident Report Form’ and update ‘Incident Register’ and will be completed and updated as soon as practical.

All participants have the right to raise their complaints or concerns in the unfortunate event of any incident occurring that did not meet the expectations of care.

A formal investigation will commence once we receive a complaint or concern.

Each participant will be provided with information on incident management and investigation outcomes.

A copy of the ‘Participant Handbook’ and ‘Complaints Management Form’ will be provided to each participant and will be communicated at the service initiation.

We respect the participant’s right to access an advocate and provide relevant information.

Workers are inducted to actively prevent violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination. ‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed and communicated. Managers, employees, and workers have read, understood and acknowledged this handbook.

Independence and Informed Choice

Each participant is supported by the provider to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise their independence relating to the supports provided. At CDNI CARE PTY LTD, the participant’s autonomy to make their individual choices, as well as their right to intimacy and sexual expression, is respected.

‘Decision-making Policy’ has been developed and documented in the ‘Participant Handbook’.

The benefits and risks of the participant’s options and decisions will be advised to the participant.

We will allow sufficient time for the participant to consider and review their options and seek advice at any time.

We respect the participant’s right to access an advocate.

‘Authority to engage an advocate’ form will be completed and signed by the Participant to authorise the nominated advocate to speak, act or write on the Participant’s behalf to promote, protect and defend the welfare of and justice for the Participant.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will provide an interpreter if required for communication with the participant and respect to work with participant’s interpreter or representatives. Regular communications with participants have been planned and performed in a way that is identified during the initial assessment process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

Participant’s right to access and engage an advocate is also referred in the ‘Service Agreement’.

A copy of the ‘Service Agreement’ and  ‘Participant Handbook’ will be provided to each participant.

Governance and Operational Management

Each participant’s support is overseen by robust governance and operational management systems relevant (proportionate) to the size, and scale of the provider and the scope and complexity of supports delivered. The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at CDNI CARE PTY LTD has the overall responsibility for overseeing and governing the entire business and management system in line with the legislative requirements, organisational policies, procedures, risks and other requirements related to operating under the NDIS, participants’ and workers’ needs.

Participant’s suggestions and feedback are welcome to contribute to the governance of the CDNI CARE PTY LTD and have input into the development of our policies and processes relevant to the provision of services and supports and the protection of participant rights.

SLT also has the responsibility to manage all feedback, complaints, incidents as well as the opportunities for improvement.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD structure and delegated authorities are documented in the ‘Worker Handbook’ and communicated throughout the organisation. Replacement or back up worker is identified for each worker in the ‘Worker Employment Register’.

The relevant roles and responsibilities for each position is documented in the ‘Position Descriptions’.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a management system in compliance with the ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme (Quality Indicators) Guidelines 2018’ requirements to promote continuous improvement and deliver the highest quality services and supports.

Company policies, procedures, forms, and registers are developed to support the CDNI CARE PTY LTD management system.

At CDNI PTY LTD, the worker Screening process is in place to ensure workers are qualified and have no criminal history, and also minimise the risks to the participants.

The performance of management, including responses to individual issues, is monitored during the internal audits and annual management review process.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD is committed to manage conflicts of interest openly and transparently at all levels in the organisation

Risk Management

Risks to participants, workers and the provider are identified and managed.  CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a Risk Management Process to effectively manage the potential risks to all relevant parties.

To manage and control the risks to the organisation, including risks to participants, financial and work health and safety risks, and risks associated with the provision of supports, CDNI CARE PTY LTD uses ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Model.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will identify and record the potential risks, assess the level of risk associated with each of the potential risks and define the controls necessary to manage the risks.

Control measures are established for identified risks in accordance with the hierarchy of control and applicable legal and other requirements.

Risk information will be reported and maintained through appropriate documentation and notification. Hazard/risk reporting is completed through the use of the ‘Hazard Identification Report Form’.

There is also a ‘Risk Assessment Register’ where all identified risks will be registered that will be maintained updated.

Risk Management Process also supports other processes, including Incident Management, Complaints Management, and Information Management.

Regarding the business and financial risks, a similar concept is used, and the above-mentioned Risk Assessment Matrix is used for evaluating these types of risks. The ‘Risk Assessment Register’ is used for documenting the business and financial risks.

Quality Management

Each participant benefits from a quality management system relevant and proportionate to the size and scale of the provider, which promotes continuous improvement of support delivery.  CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a quality management system in compliance with the ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme (Quality Indicators) Guidelines 2018’ requirements to promote continuous improvement and deliver the highest quality services and supports.

Company policies, procedures, forms, and registers are developed to support the CDNI CARE PTY LTD management system.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at CDNI CARE PTY LTD has the overall responsibility for overseeing and governing the entire business and management system in line with the legislative requirements, organisational policies, procedures, risks and other requirements related to operating under the NDIS, participants’ and workers’ needs.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a process for identifying and recording the legal requirements applicable to the business in the ‘Legal Requirements Register’. The compliance evaluation process is in place to ensure they have been met satisfactorily.

Corporate-level goals, objectives, and KPIs are determined in the ‘Company Goals & Objectives’ considering the business risk management outcomes in line with the NDIS quality indicators.

Improvement plans, relevant actions, and KPIs are prioritised by the SLT based on different factors such as the impact on the interested parties, cost and time of implementation, resource availability, etc.

The progress of each plan is reviewed quarterly.

CDNI PTY LTD’s internal Audit program ensures that all aspects of its activities comply with the principles and requirements of the NDIS obligations and the quality management system.

The formal management review meeting is planned to be performed yearly to assess the opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the management system. Also, CDNI CARE PTY LTD has planned to conduct several meetings at all levels of the organisation to support this process.

The performance and effectiveness of the entire management system will be reviewed during the internal audit and management review process.

Information Management

Management of each participant’s information ensures that it is identifiable, accurately recorded, current and confidential. Each participant’s information is easily accessible to the participant and appropriately utilised by relevant workers.  CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established and maintained an information management system to ensures each participant’s information is identifiable, accurately recorded in a timely manner, current, confidential and easily accessible to the participant.

At CDNI PTY LTD, we aim to collect the information accurately and maintain them up to date. All documents are stored on a securely protected database on the shared drive with appropriate use, access, transfer, storage, security, retrieval, retention, destruction, and disposal processes. Hard copies will be kept securely in a locked filing cabinet, in the office.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will maintain all records relevant to the participants including incidents and complaints for 7 years from the day the record is made.

Information Management has been implemented to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, in the pursuit of protecting CDNI CARE PTY LTD information assets.

Information security will be achieved by implementing a suitable set of controls, including policies, processes, procedures, organisational structures and software, and hardware functions.

Each participant has the right to gain access to the information we hold about them. Our privacy policy contains information on how you may request access to, and correction of, your personal information and how you may complain about a breach of your privacy and how we will deal with such a complaint.

The Participant’s written consent will be obtained through the ‘Participant Consent Form’ at the start of any new planned activities.

Each participant can make a complaint about a breach of privacy using the details provided in the ‘Feedback and Complaints Policy’ section of this ‘Participant Handbook’ and/or complete our ‘Complaints Management Form’ that has been provided in the ‘Welcome Pack’.

Participant’s dignity and right to privacy is also referred in the ‘Service Agreement’.

A copy of the ‘Service Agreement’ and  ‘Participant Handbook’ will be provided to each participant.

Feedback and Complaints Management

Each participant has knowledge of and access to the provider’s complaints management and resolution system. Complaints and other feedback made by all parties are welcomed, acknowledged, respected and well-managed. CDNI CARE PTY LTD provides information about how to make a complaint to the participants and their family/support network through the ‘Welcome Pack’ and ‘Participant Handbook’.

Complaints can be made by a participant and/or participant’s family/support network.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD is aiming to ensure all complaints are acknowledged, assessed and resolved in a fair, efficient and timely manner.

The complaint will be acknowledged in person, orally or in writing within 5 calendar days after receiving the complaints.

We respect the participant’s right to access an advocate.

All complaints are reviewed and investigated. All investigation information is collected in the ‘Complaints Management Form’ and ‘Complaints & Feedback Register’.

If applicable, a risk assessment will be undertaken to ensure all aspects of the services and activities are managed and controlled safely. ‘Risk Assessment Register’ to be updated.

Statistics and other information relating to complaints will be collected and registered in the ‘Complaints & Feedback Register’ to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the Complaints Management process to make sure they all well managed, and also, identifying and eliminating any systematic issue. Summary of the results will be monitored during the annual management review process and recorded in the ‘Management Review Report Form’.

The participant’s right to make a complaint is also referred in the ‘Service Agreement’. A copy of the ‘Service Agreement’ and  ‘Participant Handbook’ will be provided to each participant.

All managers, employees, and workers are trained and inducted regarding the feedback and complaint management requirements and responsibilities.

‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed and communicated. Managers, employees, and workers have read, understood and acknowledged this handbook.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will maintain all records relevant to the complaint for 7 years from the day the record is made.

Incident Management System

Each participant is safeguarded by the provider’s incident management system, ensuring that incidents are acknowledged, respond to, well-managed and learned from.       At CDNI CARE PTY LTD, we encourage and support any person to report any incidents including violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination during the services and supports.

All participants and/or their representative must report any incidents including violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination to using the details provided in the ‘Feedback and Complaints Policy’ section of the ‘Participant Handbook’ and/or complete our ‘Complaints Management Form’ that has been provided in the ‘Welcome Pack’.

All incidents are recorded and reported through the ‘Incident Report Form’ in a timely manner.

Details of reportable incidents are notified to the Commissioner within 24 hours, while other incidents are notified within 5 business days.

All incidents are reviewed and investigated. All investigation information is collected in the ‘Incident Report Form’ and ‘Incident Register’.

The root cause of the incident will be analysed to understand how and why the incident occurred, to identify ways of improving the provision of care and preventing a recurrence.

Required actions are determined and implemented as per recommendations from the investigation and review in developing and ensuring improved practice.

If applicable, risk assessment is undertaken to ensure all aspects of the services and activities are managed and controlled safely. ‘Risk Assessment Register’ will be updated accordingly.

All managers, employees, and workers are trained and inducted regarding the feedback and complaint management requirements and responsibilities.

‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed and communicated. Managers, employees, and workers are read, understood and acknowledged this handbook.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will maintain all records relevant to the incident for 7 years from the day that notification of the reportable incident is given.

Human Resource Management

Each participant’s support needs are met by workers who are competent in relation to their role, hold relevant qualifications, and who have relevant expertise and experience to provide person-centred support. CDNI CARE PTY LTD uses the ‘Worker Employment Register’ to ensure all pre-employment records are collected and maintained appropriately.

Company structure and delegated authorities are documented in the ‘Worker Handbook’ and communicated throughout the organisation.

The relevant roles and responsibilities for each position are documented in the ‘Position Descriptions’.

The worker Screening process is in place to ensure workers are qualified and have no criminal history, and also minimise the risks to the participants.

Pre-employment / Worker Screening process is in place to ensure workers are qualified and have no criminal history, and also minimise the risks to the participants. These checks are included but not limited to: National Police Checks, Working with Children Check, NDIS Screening Scheme, Individual Support and/or Disability qualification, First aid, Manual Handling, etc.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD uses the ‘Worker Employment Register’ to ensure all pre-employment records are collected and maintained appropriately.

Required qualifications are documented in the position description for each role. ‘Worker Employment Register’ has been developed to manage the employees’ and workers’ competency requirements.

The status of each person will be evaluated with the NDIS Practice Standards and other rules as well as the organisational standards.

An orientation and induction process has been implemented that is required to be undertaken for workers completed, including completion of the mandatory ‘NDIS Worker Orientation Program’.

‘Company Induction Checklist’ is in place that will be signed by both inductor and inductee.

‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed to provide CDNI CARE PTY LTD polices to all workers that are necessary to deliver quality services and supports safely and soundly.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a Worker Performance Evaluation process to evaluate the effectiveness of training and education for workers and make sure that workers meet the needs of each participant.

Continuity of Supports

Each participant has access to timely and appropriate support without interruption. CDNI CARE PTY LTD has established a continuity of support process to support planning and service delivery. A person-centred support planning is in place for each participant who will be completed during the assessment phase and reviewed regularly.

Participant needs, support requirements, strengths, goals, culture, diversity, values, and beliefs specified by the participant including the inputs from their family/support network are identified during the initial assessment process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

Agreed services and supports between the Participant and the Provider is documented in the ‘Service Agreement’ and ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’.

Participant’s preferences such as the same language, same culture or specific criteria will be considered, where possible.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD is committed to the continuous support for each participant and in the event of worker absence or vacancy, a suitably qualified and experienced person will perform the role.

An alternative arrangement will be set with the participant’s approval, in case of interruptions that are unavoidable.

Replacement or back up worker is identified for each worker in the ‘Worker Employment Register’.

If changes to the supports or delivery services are required, the Participant and CDNI CARE PTY LTD will discuss and review this ‘Service Agreement’. If applicable, changes in this ‘Service Agreement’ will be in writing, signed and dated by both Parties. Also, the ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’ will be reviewed and updated.

 Access to Supports

Each participant accesses the most appropriate supports that meet their needs, goals and preferences.  CDNI CARE PTY LTD provides quality services and supports to each participant that meet their needs, goals, and preferences and available and accessible to them. Access and entry criteria, including any associated costs as well as the withdrawn circumstances, are clearly defined during the initial assessment process and documented in the ‘Service Agreement’.

Agreed services and supports between the Participant and the Provider as well as the associated costs are documented in the ‘Service Agreement’ and ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’.

Each participant has equal access to CDNI PTY LTD’s services which are available to each participant regardless of their race, nationality, religion, political activity, gender, marital status, age, particular disability carer or family responsibilities, sexual preference, and geographical location.

person-centred support planning process is in place for each participant which will be completed during the initial assessment process and reviewed regularly.

A support plan is documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’. The plan will be adjusted and monitored to ensure it is fit for purpose and each participant’s health, privacy, dignity, quality of life and independence is supported.

The withdrawn circumstances have been documented in the ‘Service Agreement’.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will provide an interpreter if required for communication with the participant and respect to work with the participant’s interpreter or representatives. Regular communications with participants have been planned and performed in a way that is identified during the initial assessment process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

 Support Planning

Each participant is actively involved in the development of their support plans. Support plans reflect participant needs, requirements, preferences, strengths and goals, and are regularly reviewed. A person-centred support planning process is in place for each participant who will be completed during the initial assessment process and reviewed regularly.

Participant needs, support requirements, strengths, goals, culture, diversity, values, and beliefs specified by the participant including the inputs from their family/support network are identified during the initial assessment process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’ and ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’.

Associated risks to the support plan, then appropriate strategies to treat known risks are planned and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

The support plan, as well as the risk treatment controls, will be reviewed at least once a year in collaboration with each participant to ensure desired outcomes and goals are achieved and participant’s changing needs or circumstances are managed appropriately.

The support plan will be changed and updated, where progress is different from expected outcomes and goals.

Information on the support plan is communicated to family members, carers, other providers and relevant government agencies, where appropriate, and with the consent of the participant. The Participant’s written consent will be obtained through the ‘Participant Consent Form’.

Service Agreements with Participants

Each participant has a clear understanding of the supports they have chosen and how they will be provided.  Each participant is provided with a Service agreement that is agreed between CDNI CARE PTY LTD and the participant or their representative.

The ‘Service Agreement’ has been developed to provide support under the NDIS rules and requirements that contains the participant’s personal details, scope, service and support schedule, changes and withdrawn circumstances, costs and payments, cancellation, responsibilities of CDNI CARE PTY LTD and the participant, participant rights, participant’s consent, feedback and complaints, incident reporting and contact details. Both parties will sign the agreement before the commencement of the services.

‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’ and ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’ are developed and supported the ‘Service Agreement’.

A copy of the ‘Service Agreement’, ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’ and ‘Service and Support Schedule Form’ will be provided to each participant.

Where this is not practicable to create the ‘Service Agreement’ in writing, or the participant chooses not to have an agreement, CDNI CARE PTY LTD will make a record of the circumstances under which the participant did not receive a copy of their agreement.

The ‘Service Agreement’ will be completed in collaboration with the participant or their family/support network to review and acknowledge the needs and expectations, describe the scope of services and supports and any specific circumstances.

Responsive Support Provision    Each participant accesses responsive, timely, competent and appropriate supports to meet their needs, desired outcomes and goals.  CDNI CARE PTY LTD provides its supports and services to each participant based on the least intrusive options, considering their privacy and dignity to meet participant needs and help achieve desired outcomes.

Participant needs, support requirements, strengths, goals, culture, diversity, values, and beliefs specified by the participant including the inputs from their family/support network are identified during the Initial Assessment Process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

Each participant has the right to choose other providers and CDNI CARE PTY LTD will collaborate with the alternative providers to share information and meet participant needs.

In selecting workers, participant’s preferences such as the same language, same culture, preferred gender or specific criteria will be considered, where practical and reasonable. The preferences are identified during the Initial Assessment Process and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

Workers are trained and inducted to understand the participant’s needs and preferences, where a participant has specific needs, which require monitoring and/or daily support.

‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed and communicated. Managers, employees, and workers have read, understood and acknowledged this handbook.

 Transitions to or from the provider

Each participant experiences a planned and coordinated transition to or from the provider. At CDNI CARE PTY LTD, we consider the participant during the transitions to or from CDNI CARE PTY LTD. Participants will be involved and communicated at all times.

The transition will be managed in a planned manner.

The initial assessment process will be undertaken for the transition to CDNI CARE PTY LTD. Associated risks are assessed and documented in the ‘Initial Assessment & Support Plan’.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will communicate and collaborate with the alternative providers if transferring from CDNI CARE PTY LTD occurs, considering the participant needs and disability levels.

The process of transitioning to or from the provider will be reviewed once applied for a participant.

If practical, CDNI CARE PTY LTD will conduct an exit interview with the participant or their family/support network.

Safe Environment

Each participants access supports in a safe environment that is appropriate to their needs. CDNI CARE PTY LTD recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, workers, participants and their family/support network.

A ‘Risk Management Policy & Procedure’ is in place to identify and control the potential risks associated with the provision of supports to the participants to ensure that a safe environment has been provided to them. Identified risks and treatment plans will be documented in the ‘Risk Assessment Register’.

A risk assessment will be carried out and documented to identify and control the potential risks, where supports are provided in the participant’s home to ensure a safe support delivery environment.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD provides a badge to all workers to assists the participant to easily identify them.

Participant Money and Property

Participant money and property is secure, and each participant uses their own money and property as they determine.      At CDNI DARE PTY LTD, employees and workers are trained and inducted to appropriately manage, protect and account the participant’s money or other property, where they have access to.

‘Worker Handbook’ provides CDNI CARE PTY LTD policies regarding Participant Money and Property, which will be acknowledged and signed by workers.

Workers are only authorised to use the participant’s money or other property with the consent of the participant and for the purposes intended by the participant.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD will support the participants to access and spend their own money as determined.

At CDNI PTY LTD’s employees and workers are not allowed to provide any financial advice or information other than that which would reasonably be required under the participant’s plan.

 Management of Medication      

Each participant requiring medication is confident their provider administers, stores and monitors the effects of their medication and works to prevent errors or incidents.       At CDNI PTY LTD, we will:

  • document the medication requirements of each participant as per their prescribed instructions in the ‘Medication Management Form’
  • make sure about the dose, time and route
  • review the effects and side-effects of the medication and the steps to take in the event of an incident involving medication
  • store all medications safely and securely according to the instructions on the medication label
  • dispose of expired or contaminated medications safely
  • mark all medications which can be easily identified and differentiated
  • provide inductions and training for the workers
  • ask all workers to report all incidents, issues and concerns as soon as possible

Management of Waste  Each participant, each worker, and any other person in the home is protected from harm as a result of exposure to waste, infectious or hazardous substances generated during the delivery of supports.  At CDNI CARE PTY LTD we aim to ensure safe and appropriate storage and disposal of waste, infectious or hazardous substances has been provided throughout of services and supports to the participants, that comply with current legislation and local health district requirements.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has an Incident Management policy in place to report, investigate and review all incidents involving infectious material, body substances or hazardous substances. Please refer to the ‘Incident Management Policy& Procedure’.

CDNI CARE PTY LTD has an Emergency Plan in place to react, report, investigate and review the emergency.

Workers are trained and inducted to ensure safe and appropriate handling of waste and hazardous substances.

‘Worker Handbook’ has been developed and communicated. Manager, employees and workers have read, understood and acknowledged this handbook.